Smarts shopping guarantee
On our website we implement industry standard security measures to provide our customers with confidence that internet shopping is secure. Our secure server uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 128 bit encryption for all payment details provided. This ensures that information is encrypted on your computer and made invisible to anyone else when it is transferred to our secure server. This process is indicated by a small padlock in the address bar of your browser at checkout.
Additionally, we have measures in place to identify fraudulent transactions and constantly update our website security in line with industry standards.
If you would like to know more, please contact us about our Safe Shopping Guarantee.
Our privacy policy
Smart & Price Shopfitting Ltd value and respect your privacy and we are committed to protecting it. Therefore we will only use the information you provide to us lawfully and in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998.
We do not sell information to other companies, or divulge any of your personal details to other companies or individuals.
Information we need from you?
For us to process your order, we need to know your name, delivery address, e-mail address, phone number and credit/debit card details.
All transaction proceed and secured by Sage Pay.
Smart cookies?
For us to provide you with a contemporary online shopping experience you will need to accept cookies. We make use of cookies to personalise your shopping experience and to create a convenient browsing experience when you visit our website. All cookies we use do not store personal or sensitive information (such as your name, address or payment details) and are simply small text files stored on your computer that hold pieces of information. This information is the key to recognise you and remember some detailed browsing paths you choose. Cookies are a common way of maximising your online experience. You can change your browser settings to not accept them.